TFL CrossFit – WOD

Metcon (Time)

12 days of x-mas!

1 Bar muscle up SC: chest to bar PU

2 Thrusters

3 Hang Cleans

4 Shoulder to Overhead

5 Front Squats

6 Lat. Bar over Burpees

7 Handstand Push Ups/ SC: Pike PU

8 Barbell Lunges

9 Wallballs 20/14

10 Deadlifts

11 Toes To Bar

12 Power Snatches


40 min Time Cap

Back Squat (1RM!)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10:00 AMRAP

3 Pull Ups

6 DB over Burpees

9 Air Squats

*At 0:00/2/4/6/8:00 stop and do 12 DB Step Ups (50/35)
pick up where you left off