Click on the date to see the WOD

TFL CrossFit - WODHOLIDAY HOURSTomorrow (Christmas Eveeeee)- 9 amd 10 am Bootcamp 25th (Christmas)- closed 26th (Tuesday)- closed 27th (Wednesday)-
TFL CrossFit - WODHOLIDAY HOURSTomorrow (Christmas Eveeeee)- 9 amd 10 am Bootcamp 25th (Christmas)- closed 26th (Tuesday)- closed 27th (Wednesday)-
TFL CrossFit - WODHOLIDAY HOURSTomorrow (Christmas Eveeeee)- reg 9am and 10am! 25th (Christmas)- closed 26th (Tuesday)- closed 27th (Wednesday)- reg
TFL CrossFit - WODHOLIDAY HOURSTomorrow (Christmas Eveeeee)- reg 9am and 10am! 25th (Christmas)- closed 26th (Tuesday)- closed 27th (Wednesday)- reg