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TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)Partner WOD 40Min AMRAP 50/40cal row 50 DB Step back lunges 50
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)AMRAP 20: 50 Alternating Single Leg Squats 50 Deadlifts 40 Bar-Facing Burpees 40 Power Cleans 30
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)Partner I Go, You Go 10 Rounds x AMRAP 1: 180' Shuttle Sprint 6
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (No Measure)10-1 Back Squat In between rounds 20 Sit Ups Lateral Banded walk 12 steps left,