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TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)8 Rounds: 3 Power Cleans 3 Thrusters 3 Pull Ups then Run 400m 8 Rounds: 3
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)8 Rounds: 3 Power Cleans 3 Thrusters 3 Burpees Over the Bar then Run 400m 8
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)8 Rounds: 3 Power Cleans 3 Thrusters 3 Burpees Over the Bar then Run 400m 8
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)800m Run 8 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 600m Run 6 Clean and Jerks (155/105) 400m Run