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TFL CrossFit - WODView Public WhiteboardMetcon (No Measure)32 min AMRAP Partner A: 400M Run Partner B & C: Complete 4
TFL CrossFit - WODView Public WhiteboardMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 100 Double Unders Max Rounds With Time Remaining: 12
TFL CrossFit - WODView Public WhiteboardMetcon (Weight)5 Rounds on the 3:00: 3 Deadlifts 2 Hang Power Cleans 1 Push Jerk
TFL CrossFit - WODView Public WhiteboardFront Squat (4x5)70% with 1 second pauseMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)20m AMRAP I Go-You Go 350/300m