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TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (AMRAP - Reps)Stations: 4 rounds at each 2:00 on 1:00 off: 21/18 Cal Row Max DB
TFL CrossFit - WODHAPPY THANKSGIVING!Metcon (Time) Partners: 1 Round: 30 SA Devils Press 50/35 2 Rounds: 30 SL V-Ups 30
TFL CrossFit - WODHAPPY THANKSGIVING!Metcon (Time) Partners: 1 Round: 30 SA Devils Press 50/35 2 Rounds: 30 SL V-Ups 30
TFL CrossFit - WODHAPPY THANKSGIVING!Metcon (Time) Partners: 1 Round: 30 SA Devils Press 50/35 2 Rounds: 30 SL V-Ups 30