Click on the date to see the WOD

TFL CrossFit - WODShoulder Press (0:00: 7 Strict Press 2:00: 5 Strict Press 4:00 3 Strict Press 6:30: 1 Strict
TFL CrossFit - WODShoulder Press (0:00: 7 Strict Press 2:00: 5 Strict Press 4:00 3 Strict Press 6:30: 1 Strict
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)10-8-6-4-2: Deadlifts (225/155) 45 Double Unders 150 Farmer Carry Wallkicks (50s/35s) 1-3-5-7-9: Deadlifts (155/105) Front Squats
TFL CrossFit - WODMetcon (Time)10-8-6-4-2: Deadlifts (225/155) 45 Double Unders 150 Farmer Carry Wallkicks (50s/35s) 1-3-5-7-9: Deadlifts (155/105) Front Squats